The friction problems between two materials in contact are not only du to the nature of their respective surfaces but to many parameters which can be countless. The role of the tribologue is to analyze and identify the causes of the problem, to propose one or several solutions to resolve it and carry out tribological tests to characterize the potential contribution of a modification or to simulate the tribological behavior of a system in what can be the closest to reality conditions. In order to guarantee an exhaustive expertise of the observed phenomenon, IREIS has got many characterization technologies.
The benefits of the analysis of a defective part is to identify one or many degradation modes at the origins of the problem. Indeed, it is necessary to lead an efficient expertise to dispose of :
The tribologue will then be able to do on one hand a tribologic analysis and on the other hand a characterization of the damaged piece. Eventually, he will be able to establish a wear hypothesis permitting to identify the source of the deterioration : abrasion, corrosion, adhesion,…
With more than 2000 studies led in the domain of tribology, IREIS proposes to its clients adapted solutions in relation to the dynamics of their systems and also optimized in terms of many friction parameters. From the simple lubrication, lubrification, to the treatment of surfaces, these advices will allow to reinforce the lifetime of the pieces and the performance or the mechanisms.
IREIS disposes of more than twenty test platforms for tribology from the scale of a laboratory tribometer to organ benches and systems who can adapt to different types of contact and different environment (high and very low temperatures, lubrificated environments, very low pressures). These numerous devices will permit to recreate and simulate the real functioning conditions of the studied pieces. We will also be able to qualify and quantify the tribological performances and compare the potential improvement brought in by the modification.